IT Security & Computing

Preparing for your success, we provide truly prominent IT solutions.

The IT services that ByteScripts are running can be segmented by the type of skills employed to deliver the service (design, build, run). Technically, these fall into three main categories: business process services, application services, and infrastructure services.

Multiple site connectivity

We use a newly developed technology to connect sites that are based on different types of servers and networks, SiteConnect, which helps to reduce the misinterpretation of signals as well as the loss of data during transferring.

Better IT Security & Software

To keep your systems, your devices, and network stay secure, we have developed a new program that limits the access of suspicious objects or people and authenticate all logins to the system.

Weak hosted capability

Some hosts are unaware of the potential risks as well as security loopholes in their system. By detecting these errors and taking prompt actions on improving firewalls, we can upgrade the system security.

Build internal network

The internal network is essential for all companies and corporations, especially for those working in IT sector. To avoid possible risks when sharing internal confidential files and documentation to an external receiver, internal network must be strong.

Finest Quality

Our purpose is to deliver excellence in service and execution. Do it once and do it right, and there will be less re-work, less variation in productivity and better performance overall. Products get delivered on time, and they get built more productively.

Project Management

Create projects, manage resources, track progress, and integrate projects with requests and changes to fine-tune your overall IT service delivery. Identify dependencies and risks and manage resources and costs to stay within the budget.

Provide Better Experience By Our IT Solutions!

ByteScripts specializes in technological and IT-related services such as product engineering, warranty management, building cloud, infrastructure, network, etc. All software & IT majors benefit from our core solutions. We are a team of devoted souls in the area of technologies.

We partner with brands to help them improve their Software and IT services. Ready to start your next project? Drop us a line or two at:

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Our Products

Effective & flexible pricing that adapts your needs!

ByteScripts Ticket Desk, If your business has any kind of service component, you will benefit from using a ticketing system to improve your workflow.

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You can easily track valuable organization and IT assets, including computers, furniture, medical equipment, and tools with ByteScripts AssetManager.

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Whatsapp List Manager allows medium and large businesses to send messages such as notifications, promotions, updates to their customers at scale. 

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