Easily track valuable organization and IT assets, including computers, furniture, medical equipment, and tools with ByteScripts AssetManager. By allowing you to instantly locate any asset, valuable things eliminate wasted time spent looking for lost or missing assets and reduces the expense of replacing equipment

Price starts from:
USD 899


Digital Asset Management - FREE

It help organizations efficiently store, organize, discover, share, and retrieve online content.

Maintenance Staff Portal - FREE

An effective tool for maintenance activity monitoring.

Two Factor Authentication - FREE

Two Factor Authentication can play a key role in securing your applications against password data breaches.


Looking For a smarter way to track your facilities assets?

ByteScripts specializes in technological and IT-related services such as product engineering, warranty management, building cloud, infrastructure, network, etc. We put a strong focus on the needs of your business to figure out solutions that best fits your demand and nail it.

  • Brilliant asset tracking software

    Manage assets anywhere with android devices eliminate wasted time spent searching for lost, misplaced, or transferred assets.

  • Reduce unnecessary expense

    It reduce expenses to replace lost equipment. Easily audit your organizations assets on your PC or mobile.

  • Track assets purchased

    Track assets purchased with specific funding sources. Track the cost, depreciation and maintenance of your assets.

Training and support
  • In person
  • Free remote installation
  • Documentation
  • Live support
  • Free version updates
Digital Asset

Don’t miss your digital assets. One platform to store securely. Don’t miss any registration or license dur to not renewing them, Providing you the notification before it expire

Arabic supported

Specially designed for gulf countries. Our system supports both English and Arabic languages with RTL and LTR designs

Approval system

Make the decision with approval system. Request mails will be sent automatically to approver. Studies says that the wise decision on the financial matter makes the company to the next level

Admin Dashboard

Admin user has over all control of the system. The dashboard is the first thing you will see when entering as admin. The main function of the dashboard is to give an overview of an asset.

Brilliant Simple Asset Tracking Software

  • Companies make purchases every day that aid in the operations of their business

  • It is important for these companies to track the where abouts of their investment

Web Solution

  • Design the dashboard to display important notifications, charts & graphs, or abbreviated lists.

  • Instantly view management reports, including asset depreciation, maintenance, maintenance details, and transaction history

  • Create, share and save custom filters for data lists

  • Ensure data integrity with group-level security

Asset Management

Admin can manage all the asset request from all users. Admin has privilege’s settings for sub admins.


The Reports includes several asset reports you can use to generate a report. Asset filters are available to create your own customized report.


  • Reports to PDF, Excel, Csv or direct print

  • Email notifications asset assignment and history reports

  • Depreciation and value reports

  • Perform audits and run discrepancy

  • Custom reports available upon request

AssetManager the solution of tomorrow

  • Smartphone compatibility

  • Authorized device registration

  • Tracking, verification, asset inquiry

  • GPS navigation, asset transfer, asset update

  • Auto asset location detection, email notifications

  • Email notifications, maintenance cycle, employee asset request

Device & Transactions

Device & Transactions to provide a detailed overview of each asset. This ensures that the monitoring, tracking, and management of assets are as efficient as possible.

Multi-language Support

By providing multiple language options you’ll be opening up your business proposition to new customer segments that were previously out of reach, which in turn will help you improve your sales and profits.

Mobile Solution

  • Designed to be accessed anywhere: tablets, mobiles, or any other smart device interface

  • AssetManager mobile app provides your customer with a unique digital experience.

  • Our solutions have drawn their inspiration from best-in-industry

  • Asset tracking applications to offer each individual customer the transparent details of asset

Maintenance Cycle

  • Gives long life to your valuable assets

  • Primitive maintenance and manual maintenance system

  • Easily add, move, edit or dispose of assets. Audit your assets on a pc or mobile device

  • Define custom-tracking fields to ensure the perfect fit for your environment

Role & Permissions

  • Add New Role
  • Edit Roles.
  • Enable or disable the permissions to specific role.
  • Delete Roles.


  • Add, Edit, Delete ,Status change and Management of Supplier.
  • Add, Edit, Delete ,Status change and Management of Manufacturer.
  • Add, Edit, Delete ,Status change and Management of Contractors.

How simple is asset tracking?

  • Undertaking the exercise of frequent fixed asset physical audits is crucial in verifying what and organization actually owns

  • Ensuring the accuracy of related financial records

  • Combining hand-held devices with our central asset register, organizations can track asset location and status with minimal cost

  • Create customized asset tags using integrated barcode labelling software

Benefits of asset tracking

  • Check assets in or out to customers and employees by scanning the asset's

  • Track assets by site, location, department etc

  • Easily add, move, edit or dispose of assets. Audit your assets on a pc or mobile device

  • Attach warranty information, pictures and manuals to asset recorder for easy access

  • Define custom-tracking fields to ensure the perfect fit for your environment


  • Basic Settings
  • Mail Settings
  • User Settings
  • Module Settings
  • Location Structure
  • Organisation Structure