Companies will always choose to go after those resources that simplify their processes. Optimize results within a framework in which profits are multiplied not only on a monetary level, but also on infrastructure and operation.
The new technologies offer an impressive catalog of options from which entrepreneurs, small business owners and even independents will have to choose the one that best suits their needs.
Among these there are some that stand out for their characteristics that place them in the category of common good, because to tell the truth, who hasn’t wanted to work at a distance? To access all their resources from a reliable network that gives them the freedom to work at the time and place they want without compromising the development of activities that involve an entire team?
Well, these and other advantages that we will know below, are those offered by The Cloud of Computing.
What is a Cloud Computing?
Cloud computingis a technological system that makes it possible to remotely access fileand data storage, including software via the Internet, with the detail that you do not need to be connected to a local computer or server.
It is a kind of “Grand Hotel” where you can host any kind of resources, including information, files, data, programs with full access to them from any device or computer. For the cloud there are no limitations.
The arrival of the cloud broke with the traditional model of computing dependent on downloads, hardware and software to run the required applications. The cloud opened the way to the democratization and centralization of information, offering also cost reduction, security and the freedom of remote work, among many other benefits.
In this regard it would be good to mention that according to the results of a study conducted by Accenture Perspectives on the “Cloud survey: Expectations vs. reality”, half of the organizations that have adopted this technology reported having received all the benefits raised.
According to Accenture, participants in this survey had no trouble identifying the three main benefits of the cloud: access to the right skills, cost reduction and network optimization.
How does the Cloud Computing work?
The cloud uses a remote server to connect your users’ devices to the resources stored in your “database”. Theremote server is in charge of storing all the resources it requires without any geographic limitations, since it could be the case that you are in Mexico and the server is in Japan. The important thing in this and all cases is that you have a good Internet connection.

There are 3 types of cloud computing, so if you have in mind to make use of this technology in your company, you should make the choice on the one that fits your needs in terms of cost, performance and expectations.
Public Cloud: A third party is responsible for providing the company with the servers and storage where once the service is contracted, what the customer sends to the cloud will be uploaded under his full responsibility: both backups and applications and files. The service provider’s objective will be to maintain optimal security and operation of resources that will be available on the web with the option of being shared among several users.
Advantages: Unified solutions are offered, it is an economic option.
Private Cloud: The cloud becomes part of the company’s internal domain, with access restricted to a certain number of users. Through this model the company has the freedom to customize the functions to suit their needs. This model is optimal, for example, for financial and government institutions that require greater security and confidentiality of their information.
Advantages: The processes are totally directed to cover the reality of the company or business.
Hybrid Cloud: It can be said that it works in harmony with the unification of the two previous models. This means that although there is the option of being flexible and sharing certain data and applications, it could also be the case of having absolute privacy over other resources that deserve confidentiality. But all this is at the discretion of the contractor.
Advantages Cloud Computing can offer to your company
We started with one of the main cost reductions in relation to infrastructure, which is made possible with the freedom that the cloud offers you to do without software, hardware and the costs that represent their installation and maintenance. In this section we can also include the advantage of having an unlimited amount of resources stored online.
- The centralization of information: Since the cloud is responsible for maintaining all data collected in one place for you.
- Work freedom: Since we are not tied to a specific space, the workflow never stops, given the advantage that the cloud offers to access any of your data through any device or computer with an Internet connection.
In addition, the automatic update of the server and the technical support services translate into a secure system of optimum quality.
This conglomeration of benefits and effective functions has made the cloud a primary option for many companies seeking to join quality technological tools that ensure their effective and successful development within their scope of action.
The Cloud and as an aid to mobility
The mobilitythat the cloud provides to its users, refers precisely to that freedom it offers to access and use their files, data or documents to continue working without the need to be in the office.
All this is possible, thanks to the use of any device with an Internet connection which you can access your user account with, and after providing a password, the access to the chosen cloud becomes effective.
With the help of the computing cloud you can take care of your business from anywhere, because the cloud centralizes and unifies data, making it possible to take the information anywhere and even incorporate any changes you consider relevant and share it among those involved in real time.
The use of the computing cloud will also be useful to your company by guaranteeing the availability of updated, organized and accessible information for those who need to use it, with all the security parameters included, since both documents and other files can be protected with the use of passwords and authorizations.
The options are on the table, you are the one who makes the decision to join or not the advantages of this Technology that can achieve improvements for your company from here to the clouds.